Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Girl Chewing Gum.1976

In yesterdays lesson we saw 3 video's, which showed different types of craft, context and concept. One of the video's i was most intrested with was Girl Chewing Gum by John Smith. This video was a normal piece of video which had narration over it, it is used to make you think and that he is controlling the set which is being used.

The concept of Girl Chewing Gum is where the narrator is led to fool the audience watching the piece of film. It is used to make you believe that he is controlling the cast which is being used by telling them what to do. By the end of the piece of film he tell the audience watching that he is standing in a field 10 miles away from where the camera is standing. This is a paradox to the audience as they think he is telling them what to do but he is just talking over the recorded piece.

The craft in Girl Chewing Gum is not as higher technology as some of the newest pieces of. Because it is made in the 1970's it is a natural piece of film with no effects just prerecorded narration.

The context in Girl Chewing Gum is that it is set in the 1970's , which is just about how a normal street would work, it is showing people that are just doing there everyday life but with a narrator telling the story. Its works as if people are on a set and John Smith is directing it like a normal director would but he isnt. The plot of the the piece is just showing a day where people keep doing different things.


  1. Great start Ryan. You need to mention the terminology, Context, Concept and Craft in your description. Let me know when you have made the changes.
