Monday 28 September 2009

Kayaaniqatsi (Life Out Of Balance) 1983

Visual Observations - The visual observations in the movie are images used that are mostly cramped, high angle shots, a use of lots of colours, large skyscrapers and people in areas which are well used such as a subway. It uses shots of older buildings being blown away this gives an effect that newer skyscrapers are being built and the new era of technology is being brought into the world as the film is 1983 this was a time where computers were starting to get very popular and film was becoming alot more easier to do.

Audio Observations - The soundtrack used in Kayaaniqatsi is based for the whole of the film. It makes the film more effective in its own way because everything that shows on the screen goes with the soundtrack. If something is moving fast the soundtrack will too. If the camera work is moving slowly the music will slow down and work with the piece that is showing.

1 comment:

  1. Ryan, can you try and write this less like a review. It might help you to use the following headings and add you observations beneath each.
    Visual observations
    Audio observations
    Conceptual notes
